Introductory Methods Of Numerical Analysis Book Description
About the Book :
This completely revised Fourth Edition of the book, appropriate for all engineering under-
This completely revised Fourth Edition of the book, appropriate for all engineering under-
graduate students, continues to provide a rigorous introduction to the fundamentals of
numerical methods required in scientific and technological applications. The book focuses
clearly on teaching students numerical methods and in helping them to develop problem-
solving skills.
A distinguishing feature of the present edition is that it provides references to MATLAB,
IMSL and Numerical Recipes program libraries for implementing the numerical methods
described in the book. Several exercises are included to illustrate the use of these
Additional worked examples and exercises have been added for better appreciation and understanding of the material. Answers to some selected exercises have been provided.
- Expanded section on cubic splines with the inclusion of linear and quadratic splines.
- A new section on surface fitting by cubic splines.
- A new section on Fourier transforms including a discussion on fast Fourier transforms.
- Enlarged range of about 500 worked examples and exercises.
About the Author :
S.S. SASTRY, Ph.D., Formerly, Applied Mathematics Division, Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre of the Indian Space Research Organization, Thiruvananthapuram. Earlier he taught
at BIT, Ranchi.
Contents :
1. Errors in Numerical Calculations.
2. Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations.
3. Interpolation.
4. Least Squares, B-splines and Fourier Transforms.
5. Numerical Differentiation and Integration.
6. Matrices and Linear Systems of Equations.
7. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.
8. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations.
9. Numerical Solution of Integral Equations.
10. The Finite Element Method.
Answers to Selected Exercises.
Book Details
Title: | Introductory Methods Of Numerical Analysis |
Publisher: | PHI |
Author: | Sastry S S |
Edition: | Paperback |
Edition Number: | 4 |
ISBN: | 8120327616 |
EAN: | 9788120327610 |
No. of Pages: | 352 |
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